Self Love Beauty Co.
Peacock Yoga Mat & Candle
Peacock Yoga Mat
As magnificent and as majestic as this bird is there is a very powerful intention and meaning when you take a closer look into it’s spiritual background. The peacocks are symbolic of re-growth and rejuvenation, royalty, respect, honor, and integrity. They are also a symbol of beauty, love, and passion. We set “our intentions” by bringing YOU a magical and very meaningful experience through our hand selected peacock yoga mat.
We have also added our very own mandala to take your spiritual ritual to another level. We highly recommend you add one of our rose quartz towers or hearts into your daily ritual that forms part of the mandala grid when setting intentions and focussing on what your heart truly wants to manifest.
Materials we love:
Vegan suede Eco-friendly biodegradable natural rubber
Crystal Infused Candle
Scent: Lime & Coconut
Crystals: Green Fluorite & Amethyst
Peacocks are symbolic of re-growth and rejuvenation, royalty, respect, honor and integrity. They are also a symbol of beauty, love and passion. Self Love Beauty Co. candles are made with 100% pure natural soy wax. They are biodegradable and eco-friendly, with a wooden wick and plant-derived fragrance.
Green Fluorite is closely associated with the heart chakra. Providing support for all things heart and emotion-related. Green flourite is perfect for people struggling with heartbreak or grief.
Amethyst is believed to have healing properties that protect the bearer against negative energies. Some believe that the stone's calming properties produce soothing dreams by making us more in tune with the divine. The stone also brings clarity and peacefulness to the waking mind, as they help the mind flow freely in both the mental and metaphysical dimensions.
Peacock Yoga Mat & Candle